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产品/服务: WT100L-F2241施克SICK光电开关
型号: WT100L-F2241
品牌: WT100L-F2241
单价: 面议
最小起订量: 0 个
供货总量: 0

SICK WT100L-F2241 Overview
Photoelectric proximity switch WT100L-F2241 energetic, Laser redlight, PNP, M8-4pin, incl. mounting bracket
SICK WT100L-F2241 Description
Standardized miniature housing with integrated M3 threaded mounting holes
Laser emitter LED, class 1
Energetic proximity sensor
Your benefits

Detection of the smallest of objects
High optical operating reserve
Simple, standardized mounting

Dimensions (W x H x D):: 11 mm x 31 mm x 20 mm
Sensing range max.: 0 mm ... 450 mm 1)
Sensing range: 0 mm ... 400 mm
Housing desig (light emission): Slim
Light source: Laser 2)
Type of light: visible red light
Wave length: 650 nm
Adjustment: no/fix
Sensitivity adjustment: No/fix
Laser class: 1
Sensor/detection principle: Photoelectric proximity sensor, energetic
Light spot (distance): 2 mm (400 mm)
1) Object with 90 % reflectance (referred to standard white DIN 5033)  2) Average service life 50,000 h at Ta = +25 °C  
Enclosure rating: IP 65
Supply voltage: 10 V DC ... 30 V DC 1)
Residual ripple: ± 10 % 2)
Power consumption: ≤ 30 mA 3)
Switching output: PNP, light/dark-switching, manually selectable, open collector
Output current Imax.: 100
Response time: < 0.25 ms 4)
Switching frequency: 2,000 With light/dark ratio 1:1
Connection type: Connector M8, 4-pin
Number of cores: 4
Circuit protection: A
D 5) 6) 7)
Weight: 10 g
Housing material: ABS/PC
Optics material: PMMA
Ambient temperature, operation: -10 °C ... 50 °C
Ambient temperature, storage: -40 °C ... 70 °C
Items supplied: Stainless steel mounting bracket (1.4301/304) BEF-W100-A
Signal voltage PNP HIGH / LOW: UV - 1,8 V / ca. 0 V
1) Limit values, operation in short-circuit protected network max. 8 A  2)   3) Without load  4) Signal transit time with resistive load  5) A = VS connections reverse-polarity protected  6) B = inputs and output reverse-polarity protected  7)D = outputs overcurrent and short-circuit protected   
企业名称: 深圳市展控机电设备有限公司
企业地址: 深圳市南山区科技园白石新村新塘二坊
邮政编码: 518002
企业电话: 86-0755-86326631
企业传真: 86-0755-86326631
电子邮件: ellazhang0907@163.com
企业网址: https://www.chinaeim.com/shop/zhankongjd    
联 系 人: 张小姐 (女士)
部门(职位): 销售
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